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Entries in parenting (130)


Adult Only Flights?

(note: video not from my actual  flight, but the effect was VERY similar)

So I just got back from Vegas, and my trip kinda sucked a dick due to a boring set of circumstances which I'll (mostly) spare you from.

Howevever, I will tell you the following:

1. I got some weird 24-hour flu bug the day before I came back.

2. Concerned about my need to run to the bathroom and barf, I got myself an aisle seat, as opposed to my normal window seat.

For any of you who have ever experienced being sick while not at home, you know the hellishness that that entails. I was DREADING the flight home and, just praying for smooth skies and a friendly flight attendant who would give me extra diet coke when I needed it. And, man, did I need it, because the last cherry-on-top of the cake fuckery that befell me was this: the karmic payment for my aisle seat was that I was wedged in between two bratty, screaming, crying, tantrum-throwing little girls.

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Kiddie Worship-n-Balloon Boy

The absurdity that unfolded during the several hours that the Balloon Boy story broke yesterday and spread across the entire motherfucking galaxy like a bad rash, can only be described as I-N-S-A-N-E. And not like casual "I take Wellbutrin and I've stalked a coupled of ex BF's" insane." I'm talking full on serial killer, schizophrenic, "I'm from another planet and I'm here to educate your people" sort of loony tunes, bat shit c-r-a-z-y.

Though it was also kind of awesome.

Because more than any other event in recent history, Balloon Boy serves as a textbook example of exactly what I'm talking about when I say "kiddie worship."

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'Hell is Other Parents'

From TONY the other day:

"You’ve been to Park Slope, so you know what hell looks like: pushy, self-righteous parents and their precious progenies. Well, war photographer, author and mother Deborah Copaken Kogan has been permanently consigned to that flaming pit of parenthood and has sent back dispatches in the form of her new book Hell Is Other Parents. Surely it can’t be that bad? Yet Kogan herself has said the day-to-day parenting conflicts sometimes makes her feel like the “playground is a worse battle zone than Afghanistan.”

Color me VERY fucking intrigued. Any BREEDERS out there read this book?


Is Your Bebe A Goth?

photo via NY Shitty

Now THIS is a trend I can totally fucking get behind: GOTH BABIES!

Do it, BREEDERS. Just say Y-E-S and let your kids' freak flags fly! (the bebe guyliner and bebe lace-up Doc Marten boots are just out of frame).

(Daily Intel via NY Shitty)


Cool or Not Cool: Babies In Bars? [Here we go Again]

Ok, first of all, please save your bullshit comments about how "tired" and "old" and "boring" this topic is. Duh, its been discussed before. I got it.

But here's the thing bitches: each time it IS discussed, lots of people chime in, and leave comments in forums, and clickity click on over to our fucking website, so obvs its still on people's minds.

On Brooklynian, opinions are all over the map: bebes ok, toddlers are not; bebes/kids are ok (I guess) if they are well behaved; I'm a parent and I have a bebe and I would NEVER bring it to a bar; I bring my bebe everywhere and I like it; in Europe, everyone brings their bebe to bars, but not their strollers.

Here's my take: if I'm in a bar and you're sitting off in the corner with your baby who is quiet and well behaved, I wouldn't even notice you. However, if you are sitting there with your double decker, penthouse bugaboo stroller and a screaming kid (and or one who is his running around, yelling, and spilling my water all over my fucking lap, true story), then I'm going to get pissed. Problem is, you can't exactly have a sign up that says: only well behaved kids allowed.

And since it sometimes seems like, in this neighborhood, there are only about 11 well behaved kids TOTAL (shoutout to the adorable little 6-year-old we saw at Sette last week who was quietly coloring most of the time and sweetly asked her parents if it was OK (!!??) if she got up to look at all the cool wine bottles around the open kitchen), the baby in bars things will likely continue to be a topic of discussion until the end of fucking time.

So, here we go again: Babies in Bars--Cool or not cool?