[FIPS Works Out] Gym Rat Edition

January is over. Have you already bagged on your New Year's Resolution to work out at least twice a week? Yeah, I thought so. This post is the first in a new series where FIPS writers tell you what they do to stay in shape.
When I walk on by, girls be lookin’ like, “Damn, he fly.” Well…I work out—and I don’t work out just anywhere. I’m a passport member of the cream of the crop. That’s right, New York Sports Club, or NYSC for those of us literally in the club. Not to brag, but I enjoy some pretty sweet members-only amenities, like unlimited ratty-ass towels and tri-coloré shower accouterments. And the equipment—oh the equipment. Don’t even get me started. Would you believe that the benches are re-vinyled at least once every sweaty, oozing ‘roid rage, back-pimpled, ten years? Benefits, my friends. Benefits.