[my favorite park slope]: Winter running route

Hello, 2013. Nice to see you. I got all sorts of resolutions that I’m prepared to flake out on by mid-January, and one of them is getting into shape. However, if I don't end up flaking out, I plan on running, as there is a specific route I love to run in the ‘hood during the winter months.
It’s not a complicated route, nor is it long. But it’s especially beautiful after a snowfall. I begin at 9th Street and Prospect Park West, right by the Lafayette statue. I run north along Prospect Park West all the way to Grand Army Plaza. Then I turn into the park, run along the interior road (which has a name that I’ve never cared enough to learn), all the way down to the circle on the other end of PPW. Then I head out of the park, say “hi” to the Pavilion and trot along PPW back to 9th Street. All in all it’s about two miles. You can lengthen the run by heading west along 9th Street or doing another loop. There are lots of options.
Why do I like it? Because you get the best of both worlds when it comes to snow-covered landscapes. To the left you have the park, to your right the brownstones. And when they’re all covered in a nice layer of snow there’s a serene quietness to the usual shit we encounter when jogging along the streets of Park Slope.
Anyone else have a resolution to keep in shape this year?