[FIPS Works Out] Contra Dancing Edition

January is over. Have you already bagged on your New Year's Resolution to work out at least twice a week? Yeah, I thought so. This post is the second in a new series where FIPS writers tell you what they do to stay in shape.
Exercising in the winter is tough, and it’s easy to come up with excuses not to do it. After the holidays I came down with a cold, and I’m only now getting back to the gym. I kept saying to myself, “It’s too cold out! I’m still sick! I’m tired of watching reruns of “Charmed” while running on the elliptical!” So if, like me, you’re looking for a different kind of exercise, one that’s a little more social, then I have a solution for you. It’s called contra dancing, and you can do it right here in Park Slope at Brooklyn Contra. Dorky? Maybe. But hear me out.
If you’re wondering, “What the fuck is contra dancing?”, think back to middle school gym class and square dancing. All the boys were like, “Ick, no,” and the girls were like, “Fine, we’ll just be partners with each other, who needs you?” …Actually, that might have been high school. Either way, contra is like that, except much more fun.