Here's what's been goin down...IN YOUR MOUFS.
+ JUST SIGNED THE LEASE: A reason to root for the Nets: they kicked out Freddy’s Bar from Prospect Heights, but ONTBKB reports Freddy’s will be reopening South Slope-style, on 5th between 17th & 18th.
+ EXPANDING: JH Market on 7th between 11th & 12th is getting bigger and better, and changing their name to The Bad Wife. Ooh, naughty. They’ll be closed for two weeks while they expand into the adjacent storefront.
+ SNORE: An Italian place will be taking up the spot at 140 7th Ave...file this under Who Gives A Shit? Perhaps Park Slope Neighbors should start a new campaign against the opening of any more pizza-pasta places taking up valuable real estate that could go to, I don’t know, ANY OTHER TYPE OF FOOD. My vote would be an actually Mexican-run Mexican non-fancy-bistro type place.
+ BUT YOU CAN’T HAVE TOO MANY BAGELS: Therefore, all hail the grand opening of Bagel Market, on 7th at President. Apparently they had balloons and face painting, so hopefully all you BALLERS avoided that shit. avoid until next week if you don’t have a bebe in tow.
+ MORE, PLEASE! Finally, a lady with a plan and a cooler full of empanadas! According to The Brooklyn Paper Valeria is selling some unlicensed, and therefore even more delicious, Argentinean specialties while on the prowl weekends in Prospect Park. I would also like to see this in grilled cheese and French crepe, kthnx.