Here's Park Slope: More Closings, More Burgers
Here's Park Slope is back for your weekly roundup. Let's see what happened this week.
Here's Park Slope is back for your weekly roundup. Let's see what happened this week.
Saying Park Slope needs another Thai place is like saying that Times Square needs another neon sign.
It's not. fucking. true.
Here is Park Slope is reporting that Spice, the popular chain of Thai restaurants in Manhattan will open their first Brooklyn outpost in the old Lemongrass space on 7th Avenue.
Whatever, who cares. I have this song stuck in my head now. Bye.
For some ungodly reason, Amanda and I decided to go to Cheeburger Cheeburger last night and "live blog" our meal. Let me ruin the ending for you: IT SUCKED A GIGANTIC DIZZLE.
Here's why we think you'd be better off at McDonald's than at Barfburger Barfburger:
Erica: It's pouring out...I fear this is the universe sending me a message about our upcoming meal, and yet I decide to push forward anyway. CAUSE THAT'S HOW MUCH I CARE ABOUT YOU BTCHZ.
Amanda: Walk into this place and you're going to feel one of two things:1.) You are on the set of a John Waters film (this isn't a good thing) or 2.) The ghost of Frankie Avalon has spirited you back in time to the days of Grease. Danny Zucco and Sandy Koalabear (I don't remember her last name, but I do remember that she was Australian) are ready to pop out from behind the counter and sing "You're the One That I Want." Where's Stockard Channing when you need her?
Another week, more burgers, and the rise of Jennifer McMillen. Here's your weekly roundup of news from Here's Park Slope.
On Monday, the legendary soups of Chef Richard Gussoff said goodbye for the season, as The Soup Bowl, on Seventh Ave just north of Ninth Street, said farewell. Uncle Louie G should be opening back up in that spot pretty soon, and we can most likely look forward to several Soup Bowls come next winter. Fez Salon and its hero, Rudy, also picked up and moved two doors down, into the space last occupied by Under the Pig Collectibles.
Tuesday finally brought March, and with it came the grand opening of Cheeburger Cheeburger, the Florida based chain, in the former Miracle Grill space on Seventh and Third. The burgers are greasy, the onion rings are awesome, and the room is pink. And that's the last time I'll be writing about Cheeburger Cheeburger. Signage also went up in the windows of the former Willie's Dawgs, on Fifth Ave between Fourth and Fifth, for a new Peruvian bistro named Surfish. I also had a chat with the nice lady who'll be running the new artisanal yogurt shop, Culture, coming to the old Serene Rose space on Fifth Ave between Third and Fourth.