These posters declaring that Jackson Heights was the new Park Slope were plastered all over the nabe a few years ago, but I haven't really thought about them since. That is, until I received the following missive from a former Park Sloper, now Jackson Heightser, who has come to realize that her new neighborhood ain't much different from her old one. She forwarded us a post penned by a disgruntled neighbor from her Jackson Heights Family Listserv, which she says is kind of similar to Park Slope Parents:
"I just returned from a mildly unpleasant experience at our local Green Market. First, my path was blocked by the customers of the usual hot food vendor on the corner. Usually I use the bike lane to walk around her, but today the situation was compounded by the presence of the ice cream truck [which, thankfully, was NOT playing a jingle,] so I threaded my way through the clumps of customers. Then, I had a mildly annoying wait to make a couple of small purchases at the Ronnybook Dairy table. A woman was engaging the vendor in a prolonged conversatation, and I could not maneuver to the other side of her because a group of four adults had congregated a couple of feet from the table, blocking my access to the other end of the table. As I had not yet made any purchases and was carrying nothing but an empty shopping bag containing empty plastic bags, this was not a big deal.