I knew the issue with the Prospect Park Bike Lane had reached epic proportions when my father called me to inform me of two things:
1. The Buffalo Evening News had reported on the shit that was going on with the the bike lane.
2. I must live in the stupidest goddamned neighborhood on the planet.
It's always nice to know that no matter how old you get, your parents, as long as their dialing fingers remain in tact, will always call you up and inform you how you're doing everything wrong. I don't even care about the bike lane, but somehow I'm lumped into this douchey group of people that MUST have an opinion just via our proximity to the issue.
So, since everyone in this neighborhood HAS to be one one side of the yellow line on this issue, we've put together a Bike Lane Gift Guide for both sides.
Put on your helmets, dbags.
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