Marty Markowitz Thinks We Should All Lose Our Shirts Down On Coney

Here goes Marty endorsing another potentially bad idea: legalized gambling in NYC. And he knows the perfect place to put it... not in Park Slope, of course, but on Coney Island. Since Governor Cuomo is pushing for a constitution amendment to legalize gambling for a ginormous convention center/racino at the Aqueduct in Queens, Marty asks, Why not Brooklyn? And more specifically, why not Coney Island?
Casino gambling ... would bring jobs and revenue to potential locations in New York City, especially Coney Island, which is a natural.
So says Marty in a release via the The Brooklyn Paper. Supporters of the plan, who include the unofficial mayor of Coney Island, Dick Zigun, say it "could be a savior for Coney Island," by making it a year-round fun zone chock full of restaurants, hotels and maybe even casinos. He, like Marty believes that casinos will create jobs and millions of dollars in revenue for the area.