Entries in closings (53)
HERE'S PARK SLOPE: Food, Glorious Food!
Happy May, my friends! On Monday I reported that Ha Noi, the neighborhood's first full-on Vietnamese restaurant, had opened its doors over the weekend. It's got a huge menu, and so far it seems promising. Old man bar Jackie's Fifth Amendment also re-opened to the public after being closed for a couple weeks post-DOH inspection.
On Tuesday I staked my claim that the month of April 2011 was the best month for foodies in the history of the neighborhood. Just look at that list of new dining options!
PSBklyn For Sale Already?
image via Park Slope Lens
UPDATE: According to the owner, PSBklyn is NOT for sale. They think that perhaps they're being sabotaged?! DRAMZ!
Ok, guys: we've all been talking ad nauseum about how hard it is for businesses to stay open and profitable in this neighborhood and in this economy, but this has GOT to be some sort of motherfucking record. PsBklyn, that weirdo half Chuck E. Cheese, half regular new American restaurant that opened 47 days ago is FOR SALE.
Here's Park Slope: King of Cupcakes Dramz & South Brooklyn Pizza
Dan from Here's Park Slope, back again for your weekly neighborhood roundup.
Ok, so while I certainly don't relish the news that yet ANOTHER local Park Slope business might be shuttered, this one hits pretty darn close to home.
Zagat reports:
"Merely seven months after opening, Park Slope's Mamá Rosa Latin Bistro appears to have given up the ghost. Walk-bys on Friday and Tuesday nights have found it completely empty, and a call to the restaurant during business hours redirects to a full inbox."
Crystal Necklace Dude & Weird Waiter: NEVER FORGET!.