In case you need a reason to drag your ass into a bar tonight, The Gate's giving you a good one: Their first annual Pie Bake-Off is happening tonight at 7 p.m. It's being judged by locals Four & Twenty Blackbirds, so bust out your best last-minute delicacy, or head over to watch people gorge themselves.
We're told that beer goes with pie, and The Gate is determined to prove it to you. Let us know if you head over and find out.
And, as long as we're talking about shit going on, here are two more things happening tomorrow night, Thursday, August 5:
*Reading series. Gelf Magazine's Varsity Letters event happens in DUMBO. Features authors Beth Raymer, Paul Solotaroff and Joseph E. Wallace. Infoz here. 'Tis free.
*Art opening. Non-Native New York opens at de Castellane Gallery on Atlantic Avenue, and they'd like you to party with them from 6-9. Details on the exhibit here (it sounds pretty rad, actually), plus location.
That's probably your WHASSUP for the week in lieu of your Thursday update, unless something epic is happening that I don't know about. In which case, email our asses or comment away.