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Entries in whassup (131)


Whassup: August and Nothing After Edition


Aaaand, now it's August. You (or I, anyway) spend the whole winter pining for summer, and then it comes, and then it's fucking August pretty much immediately. What the hell, inexorable passage of time?! What did we ever do to you?? Whenever that calendar flips to the last month before we find out who our homeroom teacher is for the next year, I get this anxious feeling: the end of freedom, bad weather coming, death, decay, it's all over too soon, ohmygodfluseason. Please allow me to impart my neurosis to you, so that it may motivate you to squeeze the last bits of summertime joy from 2013. Go out there and do this thing, Park Slope! Welcome to Whassup: August and Nothing After Edition:  

* Until Aug. 15: Bar 4's Last: Over at Bar 4's Facebook page, they're announcing the "last" of every of their regular events before the place closes Aug. 15. Which is sad, but helpful if you want to catch some of these shows before they retire forever or move to Littlefield or the Tea Lounge or whatever. Also, a good way to check out everything that's going on in Bar 4's last days, be it a formerly regular event or not. Prime place is the Local Correspondents singer/songwriter fest from Aug. 9-12, culminating in the last Bar 4 open mic, Aug. 13. One thing that will probably be going on: getting so drunk that you cry all over the bar. So, just the same as always, but now with a better reason. 

* Friday, Aug. 2: Story Collider Takes Manhattan, Rockefeller University: Park Slope's favorite storytelling/science mashup hits the Big City! The Large Apple! King Kong's Playground! Doucheville! The Land of a Million Starbucks! That's right, Story Collider, popular denizen of Union Hall, will be taking it's science-related narratives to The Rockefeller University. There, they will also, I would assume, try to hit up the family for some philanthropy. Stories will feature real-life Rockefeller students and faculty, along with a special guest science journalist who will recite all his favorite digits of pi. 7pm-9pm, $10.

* Sunday, August 4: Beck, Bandshell: Well, for shit's fuck's sake: the fucking Beck. There is absolutely nothing I could say to convince you to want to see a Beck concert if you don't already desire it passionately. This benefit concert is, unsurprisingly, sold out. But you know the drill by now: just hang out outside the fence and listen to the wondrousness. You may even be able to glimpse some of the stage action through the fence slats and mobs of other music moochers. 7pm, FREE (if you do the aforementioned).

* Tuesday, August 6: Punderdome 3000, Littlefield: Don't worry, they always come home. After experimenting with life in SoHo last month, Punderdome returns its raucous amateur punsters to the Slope area. Come shout about how much you love bad jokes. 8pm, $6-7. 

* August: Rooftop Camping: You know what? Fuck nature. Fuck some mooses and the mosquitoes and the tree pollen and the vast distance between you and a Thai restaurant in the fucking wilderness. But you know what else? Don't fuck camping. Camping! You get to sleep on a hard surface and make gross, sweaty sex that everyone can hear! Camping! It's in tents! So, to get the best of both worlds, you can take advantage of Bivouac New York. Aside from containing I word I still don't know how to pronounce, Bivouac New York also hosts camping parties on NY (and other cities') rooftops. Tents, morning coffee, a toilet and "friends" are provided. Well, probably bring some of your own friends. But there will be new ones. And probably creepy ghost stories. And, while you may not get ticks or bumble through a patch of poison ivy, you can always try your luck at a new venereal disease. In tents! 


* Tuesday, Aug. 27: Kurt Braunohler Record Release, Bell House: There is, by now, a pretty standard "big Park Slope comedy show" lineup. Eugene Mirman is there, and likely organizing the thing. Todd Barry often shows up, to please those of us with the best comedy taste (sorrynotsorry). Hannibal Buress is a decent bet. Kristen Schaal once upon a time, before she took wing for Los Angeles -- though she's still back for some of these. And Kurt Braunohler, who is the guest of honor this time. Another thing that's pretty much to be expected is that these shows sell out. So, get on that ticket purchasing jag, y'all. 8pm, $15.


Whassup: A Year Ain't Nothin' But a Number Edition

BookCourt's books need some post-Sandy love (via

Haha, what? New Year's Resolutions, what? No, haha, I never-- No, I don't make -- never said I wouldn't -- *weeps and shoves face full of processed meat and alcohol* Hooray! Let's all celebrate that time of year when we can throw off the yoke of oppressive good intentions! Screw New Year's resolutions, let's all go drink too much. Welcome to Whassup: A Year Ain't Nothin' But a Number Edition:

* Saturday, Jan. 12: Sandy Read-a-Thon, BookCourt: So much literary talent oozes through the brownstone-lined streets of Brooklyn that there is literally someone narrativizing what you are doing AT ALL TIMES. They are watching you from the coffee shop windows. All those authors -- well, many of them -- turn their word talents to the post-Sandy recovery with a marathon, ALL DAY reading. Check out some Emma Straub. Have a little Jonathan Ames. And more. 10:30am-9pm.

* Sunday, Jan. 13: WFMU Sandy Benefit: The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion (my personal favorite musical incendiary device) headlines a live-music benefit in support of NJ indy radio station, WFMU, which suffered the storm's wrath along with much of the rest of Jersey City. 7:30 pm, $20.



Whassup: Brand Fucking New Year Edition


The most important question this time of year is not "What are your resolutions?" (because those are bullshit), but "How long is it appropriate to keep saying 'Happy New Year'?" I don't have an answer for you. I do know that the time to make jokes about the Mayan apocalypse is definitely over. (But making META-jokes about apocalypse jokes? Never gets old!) Anyway, whatever, happy new year. Enjoy the briefly long lines at the elliptical machine! Welcome to Whassup: Brand Fucking New Year Edition: 

* Wednesday, Jan. 2-Saturday, Jan. 12: Nightmares, Brick Theater (Williamsburg): Get yourself some creative, hilarious and potentially terrifying independent theater at "Nightmares," which takes inspiration from the tales of Lord Byron and Mary Shelley, along with the painting by Henry Fusel with the same title. It's ok, you can go see Les Mis the next day to feel more normal. 8pm or 3pm, $18. 

* Friday, Jan. 4: 50 First Jokes, Bell House: Sometimes, I like shows with the simplest concepts best. This is one of them: it's 50 comedians, each telling his or her first joke of the new year. Some favorites among the 50 include Brooke Van Poppelen, John F. O'Donnell (host), and Matt Koff. Personally, I'd kind of like to see everyone do a knock-knock joke. (Probably won't happen.) 8pm, $10.



Whassup: Resolutions Schmevolutions Edition


Is everyone prepared to pretend they're going to lose weight for three weeks!? It's almost New Year's, and with the added benefit of a bogus end-of-the-world, even we cynical New Yorkers should be brimming with optimism and a sense of possibility. Now, go out and kill that alien feeling with massive amounts of depressants (champagne). Welcome to Whassup: Resolutions Schmevolutions Edition:

* Thursday, Dec. 27: Dar Williams, Bell House: You don't have to go all the way up to Barclays to see big names in the 'hood. Not if you like big folk names. Here's some Dar Williams for you. 8:30pm, $25.

* Thursday, Dec. 27: BK Raga Massive Jam, Tea Lounge: The thing about NY is that there's always music and musicians to discover that you haven't heard before. And some of the smallest shows actually have the most talent. So, give a listen to Brooklyn Raga Massive, which collects local Indian classical musicians and encourages them to apply the free-form jam concept to the music of the subcontinent. Come on now, we've all at least kinda liked a Bollywood film. 8:30pm-11:30pm, FREE.



Whassup: The End is Meh Edition


So, has everyone thought of the funny thing they are going to tweet about the apocalypse? That truly is the challenge of our times. But let me ask you this: if the Mayan Apocalypse does happen, what will that do to Santa Claus? Will he also be destroyed, or will he travel the smoldering Earth three days after Armageddon, jumping down blackened chimneys into empty homes? Ok, that was a little dark. So, let's just hope that either all our mythologies are fake, or that they cancel each other out in non-depressing ways. In the meantime, it's entirely possible for you to enact an end-of-days inside your liver. Welcome to Whassup: The End is Meh Edition.

* Thursday, Dec. 20: Poe Songs, Union Hall: It's a little "Nightmare Before Christmas," and I kind of like that: an Edgar Allen Poe song-a-thon on Christmas week. Think of it as a Halloween-ish antidote to all those sugary-sweet holiday songs that have been polluting every single retail institution since Black Friday (at least). If you don't know it, the Bushwick Book Club is a cool Brooklyn thing: they invite BK songwriters (apparently, there are a few) to pen tunes inspired by certain literary figure. This month, it's Poe. Come see how many things you can rhyme with "Nevermore."  7:30pm, $7.