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Entries by parowpyro (152)


Park Slope Woman Decides It's Time to Play the Name Game

Photo via Dolce Vite

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Sometimes, you decide that name you have just isn't working for you. Over the course of history, some of civilization's most important figures have changed their name and, as a result, have gone on to achieve greatness & stuff. It's like David Bowie sang to us back in the 70's..."Just gonna have to be a different man."

At the plucky age of 17, Allan Stewart Konigsberg found a niche writing jokes and became "Woody Allen."

At the ripe age of 24, Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr. found Islam and took up the moniker "Kareem Abdul-Jabbar."

At the golden age of 32, Ronald William Artest Jr. found that he had punched enough fans and switched it up for "Metta World Peace"..."to inspire and bring youth together all around the world."



Talde Makes it So You Don't Actually Have to Go to Talde

Photo via Talde

For a while there, FIPS went pretty hard on the Talde-related posts, with a heavy emphasis on Pork Slope. Over the course of two years, the guys behind Talde, Thistle Hill Tavern & Pork Slope became the belles of the ball or some shit in the Park Slope food scene, opening Pork Slope, making changes here & there at all three places and announcing their first locale outside of Park Slope with Talde Jersey City. There was always something going with them.

Talde has continued to be their most acclaimed place, with former Top Chef contestant & Buddakan chef Dale Talde at the helm. People kinda go nuts for junk like his Pretzel Pork and Chive Dumplings. As we come up on 2015, Talde JC is getting ready to open their doors & here in Park Slope they've decided to take things to the next...or at least a NEW level at Talde. DELIVERY.



FiPS Preview: Threes Brewing

Photo via Threes Brewing's Instagram

Brooklyn can never have enough breweries. There’s Sixpoint down in Red Hook, Other Half over in Carroll Gardens & KelSo in Clinton Hill. There’s even some "Brooklyn Brewery" up in Williamsburg. In the near future, Parkwanus is getting a brewery of its own. I told you Parkwanus was BLOWING UP!

I don't know if you know this but THREE is the magic number. Oh yes it is. No more. No less. THAT'S the magic number. Just think of all the cool things associated with the number three…stooges, strikes, wishes. Parkwanus will soon be home to a three-themed brewery--Threes Brewing--which is opening up a huge ass fifteen-barrel brewery & event space at 333 Douglass St. I got a brief tour of & a feel for the place last night.

Threes Brewing's the vision of three dudes--Andrew (a playwright/lawyer), Josh (a former tech dude) & Justin (Ditmas Park’s Sycamore Bar/Flower Shop). They've brought in some dude named Greg (formerly of Greenport Harbor Brewing) to be their brewmaster. From inception, opening the brewery has been about a four year journey for the trio. After a lengthy process securing the location, they've turned an eight-month build into a pretty impressive 5,000-square-foot space with room for 300-or-so people.



A Beer Floodtastic FiPS Food & Drink Roundup

OMG TODAY IS THE 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT LONDON BEER FLOOD! That's right...on this day in 1814, a huge ass vat at a brewery in central London totally exploded, releasing thousands upon thousands of liters of beer upon the sad, surrounding tenements, drowning eight Brits. As such, I've got alcohol on the mind today. Also, it's a weekday.

You should have alcohol on the mind too! This past week, Park Slope saw its options for getting blotto expand, with even more options on the horizon. On a sadder note, we got OFFICIAL confirmation that one of the better locations for drinking in the hood really IS going to get a lil bit lamer.

The biggest news on the drunky front is news that's been a long time coming. Almost eight months after they first opened their doors, Calexico FINALLY has their liquor license. JESUS CHRISTO that took forever. They started serving beverages from their full bar last Friday but they’re "officially announcing" it starting tomorrow. To celebrate, they're doing two-for-one drinks all weekend long, with 10% of the proceeds from your drunkenness going to the Prospect Park Alliance. Also…TACOS.



A Non-John Lennon-Themed FiPS Food & Drink Roundup

It's officially the fall, folks. Pumpkin spice abounds. As is the case every fall, there's always a crop of new restaurant & bar openings to look forward to. At the same time, far too often the fall means restaurants shuttering after a disappointing summer. As we make our way through October, it looks like there are a lot more openings than closing in the hood, so I guess that's a good thing.

Tomorrow, Brooklyn Porridge Co. reopens for their second season, after debuting last year in the space occupied by Uncle Louie G’s during the warmer months. Last year, as the winter tried to kill me, I stopped by a few times. Meh. It's gonna take more than a bowl of grains to get my motor running, especially at $7 for a tiny bowl of the stuff. Still, I'll probably find myself there at least once this winter, likely around the time when it gets so fucking freezing that it's a wonder that I've actually left the apartment.

In reopening news, last week The Chocolate Room officially opened their doors to their new, larger space down 5th Ave between Bergen & St Mark's. I, for one, am more excited about the impending arrival of Nunu's Chocolates in the hood. Park Slopers seem to enjoy The Chocolate Room though & I’m going to spare you from my brilliant chocolate/poop/Park Slope breeder joke, so I guess there’s no need to shit on them for now.