Photo via Flickr User Betty Blade
Maybe you're one of those people who looks for every opportunity to go on a long rant about how you never buy stuff from Amazon because they put independent booksellers out of business. Is that you? If so, please just shut up, okay?
Photo via
Yes, it's important to shop with local retailers in Park Slope. Don't get me wrong. But if you're one of those people who feel the need to prosthelytize about it, well... you need to know that you've been annoying everyone you've ever spoken to on any given day of your pathetic, miserable, carb-obsessed life. So shut up about it, and think about where, puh-zactly, those boundaries should be.
Let's start with food. I'm fully on-board with this whole locavore, slow-food, sustainable, blahdy-blahdy-blah business. The bottom line for me is, if a restaurant in my neighborhood is only going to serve me produce that's in season and was grown no further than 200 miles from where I'm eating it, my meal is just plain going to taste better. That's not science, people. That's common sense. That's the reason that you don't order scallops in Oklahoma City. Wake up, smell the coffee, and choose Applewood over Applebees.