Hold Onto Your Lady Parts...We're Getting Our Very Own "Power Center"!!!

Image via Racked.com
It’s now officially confirmed that BK gals won’t have to leave the borough to get their beauty fix, according to Racked.com. The first Brooklyn Sephora outpost will be housed in the Municipal Building downtown, and that’s not all ladies...
Sephora will allegedly be "the anchor for what is becoming a women's power center” in downtown Brooklyn.
Wait, what?
What the hell is a women’s power center? Isn’t that just called a mall?
Image via 123rf.com
Aside from Sephora, the only confirmed tenant is a yoga studio, but since I have no clue what a “women’s power center” is, here’s a list of suggestions for the developers, since I am positive they read this idiot blog:
Other Potential Tenants:
- Auntie Annie’s Pretzels (all items will be calorie/carb free but still perfect in every way)
-Padded room resort with stays for 5-7 days of the month, complete with unlimited Mast Bros. chocolate and vodka (also calorie free)
-Puppy pool...basically just a pool full of puppies
-A Marshall’s and TJ Maxx (plucked from suburbia, because you know they have the best stuff) where you don’t fear for your life
-A reasonable Target store where the toilet paper doesn’t hang on rope (I’m looking at you Atlantic Terminal)
Any other suggestions?