V-Day Didn't Deliver? Don't Worry, This Guy Will Hook Up Your Trolling Ass [MISSED CONNECTIONS]

You, lonely single: Your Valentine's Day sucked, everyone around you was getting all snuggly 'n' shit and here you are, already having made your candy sale trips to both CVS and Duane Reade. So, where do you turn next? Missed Connections, obviously! Since that chick with the glasses reading Proust who never looked up from her book was SO checking you out, too!
OK, so I actually can't make fun of MC, because 1) it gives me pretty much all my fodder for this here blog and 2) I've been MC'd four--count 'em, four--times. And they all ruled. But there's a(n admittedly cute) dude with glasses, a Ph.D and a professorship at NYU-Poly who's taking all the sleuthing and trolling out of Missed Connections.