[Warm Fuzzy]: Local Photographer Raises Money for Cops Who Lost Homes in Hurricane Sandy

Okay FIPSters, time to heat up some hot chocolate, huddle around your fancy-ass fireplaces, and cuddle your kittens because it’s about to get warm and fuzzy up in here.
There’s a homegrown hero among us and she goes by the name of Erika Clark. In addition to her freelance photography for Conde Nast and National Geographic, Clark is the corresponding secretary for the 78th Precinct Community Counsel, which meets the last Tuesday of every month at 7:30PM with police officials to “exchange mutual views and seek ways to solve local problems”. Local resident and genuine do-gooder, she took it upon herself to raise money for police officers from the 78th Precinct left homeless by that bitch, Sandy.
The story goes like this: Clark caught wind that some of Parks Slope’s finest -- four officers and one sergeant (literally a few good men) -- lost everything in Sandy, and was compelled to help out. She started a relief fund for the officers and their families using social media, including Facebook and Twitter, and mass emails to reach out to anyone in the position to help. Makes you feel like an asshole for posting pictures of your cat in a bonnet, doesn’t it?