Whassup: Halloween Prep Edition
It's mid-October, folks, so you should all be purchasing the necessaries for your replacement ref costumes and/or figuring out which slutty thing you would like to be for one night. Amidst all the scary-mask browsing and candy stockpiling, though, there is still fun that must be had. Welcome to Whassup: Halloween Prep Edition.
* Thursday, Oct. 18-Saturday, Oct. 20: CMJ Shows; Brooklyn Bowl, Knitting Factory, etc.: CMJ is upon us, which means the opportunities to hear short sets by weird bands with bad audio are nearly endless. Brokelyn has a handy round-up of free CMJ shows, because what -- are you gonna pay for that stuff? Various times, FREE.
* Saturday, Oct. 20: Shucktoberfest, Bierkraft: To welcome the fall, the chiery folks down at Bierkraft will be shucking fresh, local oysters for you, paired with beer-snob pleasing casks. Plus, as always, you can hear the disturbing shouts from sports fans at 200 Fifth across the street. 12pm-11pm.