Whassup: Anti-Barclays Edition
Maybe you heard about this. Tomorrow, some basketball owner or something will do some rapping at a new venue in Prospect Heights. It's apparently named after the subway stop or something? Anyway, those tickets are totally sold out, so whatever. No Jay-Z for you! Still, you might be curious to see what happens up around there once this whole Moby Dick of an arena finally gets rolling. Will Prospect Heights/Northern Park Slope instantly douchify? (Like, in a different way than they already have, I mean.) Personally, though, I recommend staying far away from there and entertaining yourself with Whassup: Anti-Barclays Edition:
* Thursday, Sept. 27: NY Burlesque Fest Turns 10, Bell House: Part of the larger 10th Annual New York Burlesque Festival, this show is all packed full of the naked. Twenty-plus breast-havers from across our fair planet will be amazing on stage for you. 8pm, $10.
* Saturday, Sept. 29: Chile Pepper Fiesta, Botanic Garden: Hot-ha-ha-hooott! *fans mouth* Come experience one of the few societally accepted forms of masochism and put all the peppers on your tongue. You can sample salsas, hot sauces, and chile-chocolate concoctions. All with Latin American music, juggling, storytelling, dancing, and more. Imagine if the Red Hot Chili Peppers were having a concert in your mouth. It's totally not like that, but I just wanted everyone to picture that for a while. 11am-6pm, $15.