Whassup: Death of a Bird Edition

via funnyjunk.com
As I write this, Mitt Romney appears to be defeating both President Obama and Big Bird (or so a cursory glance at Twitter would have me believe). Well, then. Should this post hit the Internets tomorrow amidst a new, Romney-led world, please tell my economic future I loved it. While we mourn together, let's soothe the pain with alcohol and music (and etc.) Welcome to Whassup: Death of a Bird Edition:
* Thursday, Oct. 4: Barack Party, Frank's: Hey, why not? You wanna soothe the sting of all the #mittzings? Call a swing state, and tell them how plutocrats make for bad public policy. Or, whatever your pitch is. At least, that way, you can say you tried on election night. 5:30pm-9pm, FREE.
* Thursday, Oct. 4-Sunday, Oct. 7: Americana Pie, Littlefield: It's a whole big festival of bluegrass, country, and folk -- more evidence that all we Brooklyn transplants miss home. Starting times vary between 7:30 and 8:30, $10 per night.
* Sunday, Oct. 7: Zombies!, BK Observatory: The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, in conjunction with their ongoing course, hosts a series of undead flicks, starting with White Zombie this Sunday. Remember hyperanalyzing pop culture in school? You can still do it! Course instructor Anjuli Raza Kolb presents the films, hosting short "talkbacks." 7pm, $5 suggested.
* Sunday, Oct. 7: Hard Woody, Freddy's: "Hard Travelin' with Woody" is Randy Noojin as Woody Guthrie, crooning folk tunes to 1940's, striking mine workers. Harken back to a time when the unions fought for those rights we now take for granted while we use the term "socialist" as an insult. 7:30pm, FREE.
* Monday, Oct. 8: Ghostly Jukebox, Union Hall: Get started early with the Halloween themes at this month's Jukebox, "Ghosts" edition. As always, performers tell a story, or do some standup, or rap, or competitive semaphore, or whatever, all inspired by a song. Then, they sing said song, and usually the audience belts along. Weird concept? Yes! Fun concept? Also, yes. 8pm, $5.
* Wednesday, Oct. 10: Oktoburlesk, Bell House: You COULD celebrate Octoberfest like all the other suckers, and suck down huge steins followed by pretzel chasers. OR, you do all that while totally getting the boners. This edition of Wassabassco Burlesque is all about German nekkidness, with the lovlies performing classic German dances and Old Country fare from Urban Rustic. 8pm, $10.
* Thursday, Nov. 1: Todd Barry 25th Anniversary, Bell House: Master of the calm delivery, Todd Barry, celebrates the 25th anniversary of his very first comedic performance, with guests Sarah Silverman, Janeane Garofalo, and more. Barry's still one of the best comedians working, and these big Bell House comedy things usually sell out, so plan ahead. Judging from most audiences I've seen at Bell House, many people there will be younger than Barry's career, which will be interesting. 9pm, $30.
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