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Entries by Mike (206)


Whassup: Money for Fun Edition

The best way to hook a reader is definitely to ask them for money, like, immediately. Right? So, with that in mind, give dollars to this: Help save beloved French-ish, world music emporium Barbes' piano. For the full, sordid details, head on over to South Slope News, but basically some German-giver wants his piano back from Barbes, so they may no longer be able to delight you with other-nationly plinkings. Give of your beer money, so that others may also dance. You can give through their Indigogo page until June 22. With that out of the way, let's get on to the things where you give money in exchange for entertainment, not community support. Welcome to Whassup: Money for Fun Edition:

* Thursday, June 13-Thursday, June 20: Northside Festival, Williamsburg: This has to be the hippest festival ever (probably) of music, film and tech stuff. Biggish music headliners include the Walkmen, Black Flag, and Solange. Check out Brooklyn Vegan's handy guide to the big shows for more details, and pump yourself up to be surrounded by all the 22-year-old Billyburg scenesters. Music until the 16th, tech the 13th and 14th, and film the 17th through 20th. $80-$260 (depending on how much of it you want to see).



Whassup: Paradise City Edition

So, did anyone out there in BK-land snap up tix to that bizarre G 'n' R show at Brooklyn Bowl? I say "bizarre" for several reasons: 1) It was just suddenly announced via the BK Bowl Facebook page, on Tuesday, with tickets going on sale that evening. And the show is tomorrow. 2) It's Axl Rose, so it's automatically just kind of weird at this point. 3) They're a really big band (yes, still) to be playing Brooklyn Bowl. 4) Did I mention Axl Rose is involved? 5) Tickets are $150 a pop. That's kind of a lot for a base level, amiright? I mean, guess that's because of point 3, but still… 6) Also, it's Axl Rose. Anyway, so the show is tonight. Honestly, despite all the foregoing, I probably would have gone had I been able to. I really want to hear from people how it went. In any event, welcome to Whassup: Paradise City Edition:

* Thursday, June 6: Sunset Ohana Fundraiser, BK Bridge Park: I identified this specifically as a fundraiser in the header, which might seem unusual. Like, that might be a detractor. But I think that's the main draw in this case -- helping out Brooklyn Bridge Park, which is a very cool place. The actual event is some Hawaiian-themed thing, but that just reminds me of prom. Gross. But maybe it'll be fun? There'll be a roasted pig! And ukuleles! You guys like ukuleles, right? 6pm-9pm, $125 (and waaay up).



Whassup: Park It Edition

This week seems so far away during the long, be-coated months of a NYC winter, but it's here: Celebrate Brooklyn returns to the Park on Wednesday! It's all been worth it, all the busted heaters of the shitty NYC apartments, all the Mooga false starts -- the season during which Park Slope is at its best is back. Welcome to Whassup: Park It Edition:

* Friday, May 31: Unsacred Hearts, Union Hall: Here's a pure and unadulterated bar band for you. On their more recent work, frontman Joe Willie's calm, deep voice calls The National to mind, but the at-times bluesy, at-times punkish Unsacred Hearts bring a bit more energy to the stage than Matt Berninger and his pretty mopes. The older Unsacred Hearts stuff sounds kinda like The Hold Steady at a country bar. That's good, because it's better to get rowdy than weepy when you're smashed on Sixpoint in the Union Hall basement. 8:30pm, $10.

* Friday, May 31: Jug Addicts, Barbes: Here's why you live in Brooklyn. There's just fucking JUG BANDS playing in adorable little bars and shit. And this is why you go to Barbes: they find these bands for you. Come stomp your goddamn boots like you never left Kentucky. 10pm, FREE (band donations encouraged, ya' cheapskates).



Whassup: Curse the Rain Edition


Well, I didn't see that coming. But I guess that's the thing about weather. So, Mooga got scrooga'ed this time by the fickle gods of thunder and rain. This was undoubtedly inconvenient for people who wanted to attend, but damn: think of all those local vendors. That's a lot of wasted food and lost income. So to do the most Brooklyn-pride thing you can with your leisure time this week, I encourage you to patronize the biggest losers of the Mooga rain-out: the vendors. Go buy and consume some delicious shit from them this week. Welcome to Whassup: Curse the Rain Edition:

* Thursday, May 23: Celebrate BK Dance Party, Bell House: The weather woes continue, with Celebrate Brooklyn relocating this week's dance party from Brooklyn Bridge Park due to forecasted storms. But the REAL thunder will be on the dance floor, AM I RIGHT, GUYS?? Anyway, as the lameness of the previous sentence should make obvious, I do not dance. But for those that do, this will be an awesomely funky party led by Zapp, whose shit was so stank it stank up both '70's funk and '90's gangsta rap. Funky. Dance your mess around. 7pm, FREE.



Whassup: More Than Mooga Edition


Well, it's nearly here. The second coming of the Googa. It's such a big event that hearing about it can kind of become annoying. But it is a big-ass event, and it's right here in the park that lends our fair neighborhood half of its name. The Friday concert looks pretty killer actually, and then comes the food. And I can't WAIT to hear everyone's reviews of what waiting in the lines was like. But wait! There are still other things to do in Brooklyn. So, strap on your feedbag, fuel up, and try to fit 'em all in. Welcome to Whassup: More Than Mooga Edition:


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