Whassup: More Than Mooga Edition

Well, it's nearly here. The second coming of the Googa. It's such a big event that hearing about it can kind of become annoying. But it is a big-ass event, and it's right here in the park that lends our fair neighborhood half of its name. The Friday concert looks pretty killer actually, and then comes the food. And I can't WAIT to hear everyone's reviews of what waiting in the lines was like. But wait! There are still other things to do in Brooklyn. So, strap on your feedbag, fuel up, and try to fit 'em all in. Welcome to Whassup: More Than Mooga Edition:
* Saturday, May 18: BK Lit Crawl, All Over Brooklyn: Seems appropriate that a big-ass Brooklyn food festival shares the weekend with a big-ass Brooklyn literary festival. To complete the trifecta, someone should hold a big artisanal conference. Oh, wait. In any event, there's all sorts of bookish entertaniments to be had, from Sackett Street's delightful "Unlikeable Characters" reading to Armchair/Shotgun's "Old-Timey Radio Show." Sharpen up the horns on your best librarian glasses and try to remember the first lines of a few novels to impress people with. ("It is a truth universally acknowledged that the best of times are all alike." Or something.) 5pm-8pm FREE.
* Sunday, May 19: Shred Fest, Prospect Park: Now, I realize that "Shred Fest" could be a number of things: Guitar spoo-ing competition. Skate off. Ninja Turtle villain convention. Somewhat less exciting, this event will ensmallen your personal documents for free so that the nefarious types can't steal your identity and buy X-tra large Lee jeans in a North Carolina Walmart. There are also identity-theft protection tips and free shredders to the first five guests. Then, at the end, they drop all the shredded paper over your head like confetti. (That probably doesn't happen.) 10am-4pm, FREE.
* Sunday, May 19: 5th Ave. Fair, 12th to Sterling: You know what's NOT the Great Googa Mooga? This. Totally local, probably no cell phone dead zones, likely very few long, annoying lines of food snobs. Music and other entertainment all along the ave. Show some Park Slope pride and dooga something else this weekend. 12pm-5pm.
* Sunday, May 19: Chair Build/Sandy Benefit, Build It Green!: Come learn how to make chairs. It's cool, because you can be all active, and then have something to sit in afterward when you inevitably return to your inactive, lazy ways. This event also includes a party/sale after the workshop, with proceeds going to post-Sandy restoration in Gowanus. Workshop: 2pm-5pm, Party/Sale: 5pm-8pm, FREE to attend (items for sale cost dollars, duh).
* Sunday, May 19: Get Happy Talk Show, Public Assembly (Williamsburg): This talk show gets the audience very closely involved in the talking action, with secret words and rituals. It's also guaranteed to make you happy. Because you will be drinking. 8pm, $7.
* Monday, May 20: Music Industry Secrets, Knitting Factory (Williamsburg): At this point, when you meet someone in Brooklyn, it's probably best to just assume they're in a band until proven otherwise. Just be like, "So what's your name and genre?" "Mike and kinda folky, kinda alternative, we're really influenced by indie hip hop, you know?" That's the only conversation you need ever have from now on. My point, though, is this: many of you are musicians. Attend this event and learn how to get better gigs. You know, or practice so you get better. Either way. 7pm, $5.