Whassup: You Deserve This Edition

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So, Brooklyn has bacon cronuts. That is a thing that is true. Gothamist calls them the best cronut-knockoffs around. And they have bacon on them. And Nutella (!). And they're in Brooklyn. SHOVE THEM IN YER FAAAAAACCE. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do it. They can be purchased for consumption and/or humiliating, almost-sexual worship at Le Petit Bakery in Ft. Greene. Because Brooklyn, bacon cronuts are your right. Welcome to Whassup: You Deserve This Edition:
* Thursday, July 18: "Enter the Dragon," BK Bridge Park (DUMBO): Brooklyn Bridge Park has a new summer movie series (sponsored by the SyFy network, which I still think is a stupid name). The theme is tourist-worthy cities, and today's entry takes you to Hong Kong to watch Bruce Lee kick every single ass so much. Takes place on the Harbor View Lawn, with a genuinely awesome view of the Manhattan skyline behind the screen. 6pm, FREE.
* Thursday, July 18: 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner,' Bandshell: Spooky cabaret theater artists The Tiger Lillies take on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's classic poem of high-seas curses and big, blatant metaphors. Taste the salt brine in the air and feel the scurvy in your bones. Then buy a Six Point at the concessions stand. 6:30pm Doors, FREE ($3 suggested donation).