American Gypsies invade Park Slope

Park Slope has long been the home to many a film and television shoot. From Bored to Death to Betty White's Off Their Rockers to Boardwalk Empire, our tree-lined streets and Park-adjacent setting draws so many film crews that it's hard to keep track of them all. But when FIPS reader SwissPotChick turned us on to a new show that's been taking place in the Slope, it turned out to be so deliciously craptastic that we simply had to talk about it.
The show is called American Gypsies and OMFG. It's a National Geographic Channel docu-series about one of the most prominent Romani families living in NYC (the Johns family), who are struggling to uphold their Gypsy traditions while trying to adapt to the modern American culture. That struggle basically means the Johns family spends each episode screaming at one another about traditions and Gypsy Law and all other sorts of ridiculousness. And then there are the physical fights. Like, we're talking throwing-punches-at-one-another-in-hospital-waiting-rooms sort of fighting. All while telling us what a private and sacred culture the Gypsy culture is (umm...). Like most reality shows, it's trashy as hell and totally moronic and, after only one episode, I've already set a season pass on my DVR.
Here's some background on the Gypsy culture I've learned from the premiere: