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You bitches have this whole blog reading thing down pretty well now, but don't you think its time you expanded your horizons!? Like with a podcast? Like with the Hey Brooklyn PODCAST!? Each week, we'll tell you about the creative BK mofo that our buds over at Hey Brooklyn feature. On deck this week: B from STFUparents.
"Woe is mom," "mom jacking," "Mombies," STFUparents will get you reaaaaal familiar with all of these terms REAL FAST. ICYBLUFR (in case you've been living under a fucking rock) and don't know what STFUparents is, it's this ah-MAZING blogalicious piece of internet real estate that chronicles all of the crazy shit that parents talk about, bitch about, and document on Facebook and other social media sites. It's hilarious...and so is "B."
Listen up here! (and subscribe in itunes)