Entries in hipsters (26)
BroBos in Paradise
A dedicated FIPS reader sent a link to this Observer article:
"Perhaps you remember the New York Times columnist David Brooks' coinage BoBos—short for Bourgeois Bohemians? Those latte-slurping, SUV-driving, Pottery Barn-shopping, NPR-listening creatures of the Clinton era? Ms. Hambleton and her ilk represent a new variation on the species: Brooklyn Bourgeois Bohemians. BroBos! Young, comfortable and inclined toward creativity, they enjoy a utopian-seeming existence marked by strolls down tree-lined streets, carefully chosen foods and leisurely weekends spent in coffee bars and parks. An existence only occasionally marred by the realization that this is not the hopped-up New York they came to conquer."
In the same week that Gawker taught us that Brooklyn isn't cool anymore b/c everyone talks about it too fucking much, comes news that we are all BroBos....or wannabe BroBos Well, I guess not all of us, but...eh, who the fuck am I kidding: ALL OF US.
Hipster Barista Bitches
NOTE: this was *not* Rachel's hipster barista. Use your imagination, ppl.
I just don’t fucking get it.
Now, I like to think of myself as a friendly person. I’ll talk to just about anyone (even if they’re imaginary). I love making new friends, and I’m always up for a good one-night-stand (I mean, I'm 5'1, weigh 100 lbs, and have a voice like Minnie Mouse--if that doesn’t scream warm and friendly, I don’t know what does).
So this is why I was shocked senseless that I seemed to have scared the shit out of some dumb as fuck hipster barista last week at Ozzies.
The Evolution of the Hipster
Well this is pretty bleepin fabulux: Paste Magazine offers up a visual history of the ever-changing face of the hipster. And as we all know, where the fuck do hipsters come from? BROOKLYN!
Personally, I'm still partial to twee's and the meta nerds, but that's just me.
(via Brownstoner)
Calling All Park Slope Teenage Hipster Assholes: MTV *Needs* You
So, according to our friends at Brokelyn, if you are a "Brooklyn teen age 15 to 18, who qualifies as a dancer, musician, athlete, drama queen, bookworm, shy type, alpha male, alpha female, texter or party hopper," than you are *perfectly* suited for a new show that MTV is casting for called Skins!
Based on a hit show in the UK, Skins apparently follows around a group of bad-assed, snot nosed, smart-mouthed teens as they impregnate their classmates, learn all about anorexia, and smoke crack with Amy Winehouse (ok, fine: that last part isn't true).
They're specfically looking for non-actor types (cause you know: reality telivision is REAL, people), and, duh, their first stop is the BK: “we were handed the task of finding the most charismatic and actually edgy kids we could,” casting agent Kim Madalinski told Brokelyn. “We need real people with real life experiences and the courage to show it. Everyone says ‘you need to go to my neighborhood,’ and ‘my neighborhood’ is always somewhere in Brooklyn.’
Oh, please, please, please Gawd let someone from Park Slope be chosen for this show. Do you know what a fucking blog post goldmine of material that would be???
The casting call takes place on November 15th. So, if you're an "edgy" badass teen whose parents will agree to sign the show waiver, hop on over to Brokelyn for more details on where to go and what to do (seriously, Park Slope teens--I mean it! Your community NEEDS you!).