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Entries in events (257)


Whassup: March Meh-ness Edition


The forecast for Saturday is rain and low 50's, so I guess we're out like a sort of pussy lion? But really, the important thing about the end of March is that it's Final Four weekend. I think we can all agree that a neighborhood that votes on voting to ban organic products from certain countries and has spots to buy cappuccino every two feet is totally a neighborhood full of jocks. But, yeah, if you're not into the basketball this weekend, there's plenty else to do. Welcome to Whassup: March Meh-ness Edition:

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Whassup: Summer Already? Edition

Is everyone else feeling the glow of post-Seasonal Affective Disorder relative non-depression!? Yeah! With Daylight Saving's Time back, and the most recent swing of 70-degree, Global Warming niceness, it's all my neurons can do but almost have normal serotonin levels. It's pretty all-right, and it makes me want to get out there and enjoy Park Slope's numerous non-Googamooga, actually well-organized events. Welcome to Whassup: Summer Already? Edition:

* Thursday, March 22: Gowanus Cleanup Meeting, Red Hook-Miccio Community Center (Gym): You can't spell Superfund without Superfun. I just wanted an excuse to say that, and this was it. Anywhoo, the EPA is holding a "public information meeting" to hear your input about cleaning up the Gowanus. After Bloomberg was thwarted in his attempt to protect those helpless Gowanus carcinogens from the big, bad EPA, it's your chance to voice an opinion. Come armed with your favorite synonyms for fecal contaminant. 7pm

* Saturday, March 24: Cash Mob Day, Tea Lounge: So, "Cash Mobs" are totally a thing now, combining the power of hipstery, mass gatherings and hipstery consumer-spending power to actually do something relatively good -- support local businesses. Saturday is "National Cash Mob Day," and Amy Cortese, author of Locavesting, is leading Brooklyn's first such mass feelgood purchasathon. Meeting at Tea Lounge to support a local, Slope business (to be named!). 4pm.

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Whassup: (Mostly) St. Paddy's Day Edition

via photobucket

Ah, St. Patrick's Day. I love this holiday. I don't love so much going out on it into the craziness, but I love the concept: a day to celebrate a tiny little country known for green hills, booze, and literature. Feckin' a. Love it. Welcome to Whassup: (Mostly) St. Paddy's Day Edition:

* Thursday, March 15: Free Booze, Brooklyn Mag Party: Celebrating one year of print-magazine success (which, I'm pretty sure is the wave of the future), Brooklyn Magazine will be getting you drunk for free. That's how much they want you to read their shit. They will give you free alcohol. It's not a bad idea. Hey, if anyone wants to read a short story, I'll buy you a shot. (Kidding. Unless you would.). Anyway, this is at Invisible Dog Art Center in Carroll Gardens. 7:30-9:30pm. RSVP here.

* Friday, March 16: The Rub, Bell House: The refugees from Southpaw's abrupt demise last month continue to come in from the brief wilderness, finding new homes amongst Park Slope's venues. The Bell House is the most natural alternative, and the latest convert is "The Rub," Southpaw's signature hip-hop club night. Get your jam on and pour some out (not literally) for the 'paw. 10pm, $10.

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Whassup: Post-Super Tuesday Letdown Edition

via Hulu

I know what you're all thinking: with Super Tuesday over, what's the point anymore? Now that this inspiring, whirlwind of a Republican nomination has said goodnight to its biggest night, what do we have to look forward to? No more anticipation of the next stirring, eloquent, human-like speech from Mitt Romney. No more edge-of-your-seat thrills wondering what next philosophical gem Rick Santorum will pull out of his frothy butt. assured, the nomination goes on. And so will you, with plenty to entertain yourself with over the next week in Park Slope. Welcome to Whassup: Post-Super Tuesday Letdown Edition:

* Ongoing: New(ish) Classes, Brooklyn Brainery: The share-happy nerds over at Carroll Gardens' favorite adult-ed emporium announced a new slate of classes recently. But last week's Whassup was already full. (Or maybe I forgot. I guess you'll never know.) Anyway, sign up to add new grey-matter wrinkles with classes on cursive writing, bacteria, pin-up girls, basic Japanese, and -- ooh, Octavia Butler! -- a pretty amazing sci-fi scribe, if you don't know her. Various times, classes usually from $15 to $30.

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Bonnaroo to bring weekend-long food & music fest to Prospect Park 

Start dusting off your tents and hemp, Park Slope! The folks behind Bonnaroo, the yearly music and arts fest held on a farm in Tennessee, will be bringing their festival talents to our very own Prospect Park this spring. On May 19th and 20th, the park will be transformed into an "Amusement Park of Food & Drink," which for me inspires images of giant, donut-shaped ferris wheels and competitive milkshake drinking games.

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