Is everyone else feeling the glow of post-Seasonal Affective Disorder relative non-depression!? Yeah! With Daylight Saving's Time back, and the most recent swing of 70-degree, Global Warming niceness, it's all my neurons can do but almost have normal serotonin levels. It's pretty all-right, and it makes me want to get out there and enjoy Park Slope's numerous non-Googamooga, actually well-organized events. Welcome to Whassup: Summer Already? Edition:
* Thursday, March 22: Gowanus Cleanup Meeting, Red Hook-Miccio Community Center (Gym): You can't spell Superfund without Superfun. I just wanted an excuse to say that, and this was it. Anywhoo, the EPA is holding a "public information meeting" to hear your input about cleaning up the Gowanus. After Bloomberg was thwarted in his attempt to protect those helpless Gowanus carcinogens from the big, bad EPA, it's your chance to voice an opinion. Come armed with your favorite synonyms for fecal contaminant. 7pm
* Saturday, March 24: Cash Mob Day, Tea Lounge: So, "Cash Mobs" are totally a thing now, combining the power of hipstery, mass gatherings and hipstery consumer-spending power to actually do something relatively good -- support local businesses. Saturday is "National Cash Mob Day," and Amy Cortese, author of Locavesting, is leading Brooklyn's first such mass feelgood purchasathon. Meeting at Tea Lounge to support a local, Slope business (to be named!). 4pm.
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