Whassup: March Attacks Edition
Let's face it, February is a shitty month. It's (usually) cold; there's a big, fake holiday reminding you of your single-hood right in the middle, and it's really short, always prompting thoughts of, "Wow, another month went by, and I still haven't published that novel or shared real affection with a non-puppy." Well, thank St. Patrick that month's in the shit can, because now we can get on to the good stuff -- March: the creep toward spring, a holiday where you pretend to be Irish and get drunk, and it's named after the badassiest god of them all. Welcome to Whassup: March Attacks Edition:
* Through Sunday, March 4: Yelp Drink Specials, Freddy's and Lucky 13: As we told your drunken asses Wednesday, Yelp wants to support your habit by funding happy hour specials across the City -- including at (South) Slope abodes of alcohospitality, Freddy's and Lucky 13 Saloon. Getcher slurred seech sp- suh- speech on.
* Thursday, March 1: CasHank Hootenanny Jamboree, Freddy's: Tonight's as good a time as any to get sloshed at Freddy's, too. Because what's the best thing to do when you're hammered? No, not awkwardly mouth vacuum a stranger's lips (that's second best). First is stumble through classic country songs. The monthly sing-a-long of Johnny Cash and Hank Williams tunes returns, led by Alex Battles, fresh off the Johnny Cash 80th Birthday Bash. 9pm, FREE.