Nets 2013-2014: We're Totally Kidding

HELLO BROOKLYN 2.0...AMIRITE? Y'know what’s cool about the just-finished first Brooklyn Nets season, in retrospect? Please allow me to tell you with eloquent words...
Almost a decade removed from Jason Kidd leading the NJ Nets to the Finals two years in a row (01'-02' & 02'-03'), the Nets franchise was seriously aching for a reboot. They sucked for a looooong ass time. Regardless of how much success they had, the seven-foot shadows of Sam Bowie & Chris Dudley & Keith Van Horn kept blocking out the achievements of Kenny Anderson & Mookie Blaylock & Jason Kidd.
Then came the 2012-2013 season. BROOKLYN 1.0. New arena. New uniforms. Lots of new players. New attitude. Fairly new owners. D-Will at the point. Jay-Z as the face. EARLY PANIC. Head coach Avery Johnson is fired. PJ Carlesimo steps in as coach. BROOKLYN 1.5! Kris Humphries tries not to fuck too many lame celebrities. Overall, the season goes OK enough for a while & the Nets end up with the 4th best record in the Eastern Conference. Then they get bounced by Chicago in the first round of the playoffs. PJ & his beard are shaved, just weeks after Jay-Z left the Nets franchise to become the hip-hoppiest sports agent EVA (other than Scott Boras). I hope HOVA's short investment turned out OK!