P-Stew Officially Loves the Nets, Hates the Barclay Traffic

Yes, Patrick Stewart -- Park Slope's newest celebrity resident and my newest FiPS beat -- has joined the rest of us in expressing feelings for the much-loved Barclays Center. According to New York Magazine, he hates the traffic caused by the arena's recent events, saying, "When they had the Jay-Z concerts, Flatbush [Avenue] turned into a parking lot."
But here's what P-Stew does love: the Nets. Yep, those boys dressed in black who recently doubled for grocery baggers at the Key Food on 7th Ave are a welcomed addition to Sir Patrick's new hood: "I am a sports fan and it now means that I can watch the Nets," he told the magazine. Stewart admits that he doesn't drive anyway, and likes the walk just fine: "When there’s a stadium a walk away from where you live, why wouldn’t you do that? Better than television."
Um, I don't think it's better than watching yourself Captain the effing Enterprise on television. Just sayin'.