Amy Sohn Controversh, Part Deux: 'Don't Hate the Player, Smartmom, Hate The Game'
Just to recap: Park Slope rez and former sex columnist Amy Sohn wrote a book called Prospect Park West that satirizes the stroller mafia, SAHM lifestyle that's so prevalent in our neighborhood. The whole book takes place in Park Slope, and all of the typical Park Slope stereotypes (helicopter moms, sexless marriages, crazies at the Coop, etc) are served up on a silver platter like a warm plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. And yes people, it really is that delicious. I loved the shit out of this book, but others (like Smartmom, Louise Crawford) seem to hate the living crap out of it.
In fact, Smartmom hates the book so much, she recently wrote a scathing review published in the Brooklyn Paper: "Another Slope Swipe From Amy Sohn." Mind you, this was after she published a lengthy takedown of the novel on her own blog, written in a bizarre Q&A style that made it seem like she was being interviewed for the post...only she was interviewing herself. I guess she forgot that one usually tends to get interviewed after WRITING a book...not simply reading one.