Ad-derall: The 'Ultimate Natural' B1 Patch

Ad-deral is a column in which we rant and riff on the ridiculous ads we're subjected to while trapped on the subway. From the borderline racist local businesses (1-800-MARGARITA Divorce Attorneys) to the condescending national brands that pretend to know what it's like to ride the goddamned F train every day (Snickers, Delta), we'll tackle them all with the same smug outlook that has made us totally (not) famous.
Okay, so I wasn't able to get a very good photo on the F train since it was a banner ad and I was concentrating on holding on for dear life as we were hurtling through the depths of Brooklyn at about 700mph [ed. note: 700MPH! On the F!? I can run faster than that fucker...], BUT, check this bullshit out: Introducing the B1 Patch!