Get to Know Your GoogaMooga Gurus: Tom Colicchio

Photo via ZagatBuzz
You've all been preparing for the food celebration at this weekend's Great GoogaMooga, right? Whether said preparation involves breaking out the stretchy pants or expanding your palettes, next Saturday and Sunday will prove to be a food festival of Empire State proportions. For fuck's sake, with an event that's being promoted as an "amusement park of food and drink," you're bound to end up broke, full, and slightly nauseated.
And did you know that there's an actual GoogaMooga "Guru Council?" The members are described as "culinary leaders who embody the spirit and community of GoogaMooga. They have generously shared their talent, ideas and playlists." The Guru Council is a real Who's Who of the New York Foodie Scene, so I'm going to help you get to know one of them a little bit better.