Prospect Heights Beats Park Slope For "Most Stylish Nabe"

Despite having Bird, Goldy + Mac, and plenty of vintage shops in the neighborhood, Park Slope has lost the war on style. According to Cole Haan (maker of insanely comfortable heels), NYC’s Most Stylish 'Hood is Prospect Heights.
Refinery29 says the Heights has all the money, architecture, young, stylish professionals, outdoor entertainment, connected citizens, and shops, shops, shops required to hit the top of the list. But I call bullshit. Park Slope is home to A.Cheng, The Clay Pot, and, up until recently, J.Crew's Jenna Lyons, for fuck's sake (Ed Note: I've also seen Steve Booshems walking around this nabe with some pretty stylish eyeglasses.)
Contest winner Amy Anderson, the most stylish chick in PH, won $1,000 in Cole Haan goods, 12 months of Unlimited Ride MetroCards, and a Refinery29 photo editorial. Maybe someone in Park Slope could have won if we spent more time telling people how awesome we look instead of arguing about hummus. Here's what she had to say about life in the Heights:
"I think we get the best of both worlds living in Prospect Heights. We have multiple subway options (the B, Q, 2, 3, and C trains), and the city is a quick 15-minute subway ride away. But the pace out here is slower, the sidewalks are less crowded, and the ability to relax and unwind comes much easier. After being in the city for almost four years, it has been a great balance to live here."
You can read more about Amy and peep pics from her supercute photo shoot here.