So, this is happening. TrivWorks got together with comedians Eliot Glazer and H. Alan Scott to create the most specific, most AWESOME trivia smackdown in the history of trivia smackdowns.
Yes, it's the Golden Girls Vs. Designing Women Trivia Grudge Match, hosted at The Bell House this Thursday, June 7 at 8pm. Its mere existence shows that the trivia gods must have observed me for all of these years, wasting hours and hours on the couch, watching The Golden Girls and Designing Women marathons and designing drinking games around them like the pathetic drunk that I am (Drink every time someone says something sassy!).
Needless to say, I am BEYOND pumped for this (they don't call me Harold Goldstein for nothing), and I needed to share my enthusiasm with other likeminded people. Namely, the hosts, Eliot Glazer and H. Alan Scott, and Trivworks' own David Jacobson. They answered questions like which Golden Girl and/or Designing Woman they'd be, and also why the gays can't seem to get enough of these shows.