Okay, jerks. Googamooga is TOMORROW and you are probably moderately excited about it, since they’ve been sending us a barrage of daily emails that provide mediocre and confusing updates about who else will be on-hand for the festival.
Here’s what it comes down to: it’s an all-weekend food fest punctuated with music performances. If you’re going to be spending hours upon hours in the park, you’re going to want to bring a few creature comforts.
Like every outdoor festival, Googamooga has a laundry list of shit you can’t bring with you (weapons, fireworks, lawn chairs, drugs). Please note that you also can’t bring in any instruments of fun, like footballs, boomboxes, and frisbees. Naturally, since they want you to pay for food and drink, you can’t bring coolers or any outside food.
So what CAN you bring? Lucky for you: we've put together a guide to what the hell you can bring with you to Googamooga, with items you can purchase right here in the neighborhood.
1. Platypus Collapsible Water Bottle ($12.95): Obviously, you're not allowed to bring in food or drink from outside, but you are allowed to bring in a water bottle. This is collapsible, which is nice to throw in your bag after you're done drinking. Also, why fill it with water? You know what goes great with an outdoor festival? VODKA. Pick one up at Gear to Go Outfitters (217 Garfield Place at 7th Ave)
2. Rag & Bone Bristol Straw Fedora ($220): You're going to be outside all day, so you'll need something to protect your delicate faceskin (different from foreskin) from getting sunburned. Douchey fedoras are popular amongst Brooklynites, and this one fits the bill. Pick one up at Bird (316 Fifth Ave, between 2nd and 3rd Sts)
3. Seltzer Goods Tote Bag ($21.95): Mark my words, in 5 years you'll be able to use canvas tote bags as currency in certain parts of Brooklyn. The point? Everyone's gonna have a tote bag to carry their stuff, why don't you show up with one that's nicer than the one that you've been carrying your organic vegetables from the Farmer's Market around in? Pick one up at Lion in the Sun (232 7th Ave, at 4th St)
4. Jenny Coin Purse ($20): You wanna know why tickets to Googamooga were free? Because you are going to spend approximately $1 million on food and drink while you're there. You're going to need a dependable wallet to store all of your cash. Pick one up at Brooklyn Industries (328 7th Ave, at 9th St)
5. Moleskine Journal ($17.95): If you're an obsessive writer-type, you're going to want to document everything you ate so you can angrily blog about it later. This Moleskine Journal will help you organize your thoughts, such as, "Anthony Bourdain looks like an old lesbian" and "People's Pops taste like water and they stain my teeth." Pick one up at Lion in the Sun (232 7th Ave, at 4th St)
6. Wilderness Wash Pocket Soap ($3.95): You know how these food festivals go. You stand around awkwardly eating food that you will inevitably get all over your face and hands and shirt. The last time you got this messy was when you were at Medieval Times on a 6th grade class trip. To keep yourself from looking like some sort of dirty indentured servant, keep these pocket soap strips in your back pocket. Just add water, and you'll be in sud city. Pick one up at Gear to Go Outfitters (217 Garfield Place at 7th Ave)
7. Havaianas ($20): Outdoor festivals allow you a venue where you can walk around like you're still in college, donning flip flops, cargo shorts, and a t-shirt with a vaguely offensive phrase printed on it. Havaianas, with their bright and colorful patterns, are flip flops that say, "Hey, I might have a soul crushing job during the week, but it's SATURDAY and I am so relaxed. Somebody put on some Sublime!" Pick a pair up at DNA Footwear (230 7th Ave, between 3rd and 4th Sts)
Googamooga's list of what you can bring into the festival ends with "your appetite and a sense of adventure." I'm not sure how adventurous it is to walk across the street from your apartment into the park that you frequent regularly, but whatever, right?
For more douchey commentary and gift suggestions, check out Amanda's blog, You're Welcome.

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