Retail Report: 1 of A Find
If you're like me: then you totally fucking hate Beacon's Closet. Like REALLY, REALLY hate it.
True, I hate almost all the crap they sell. But more than anything, I hate the nasty, preening, tasteless gaggle of "buyer girls" who hang out in the back of the store sitting court, and seem to be allergic to any garment possessing any tiny shred of style, chic-ness OR sophistication. But if you've got a shitload of H&M or Wet Seal crap to sell, they should most definitely be your first stop.
1 of a Find is like the polar opposite of Beacon's Closet. They're like Beacon's closet after a colonic, some green tea, and a Winona Ryder exorcism. They have a rockin, beautifully edited selection of vintage clothes and accessories that will, I promise, make you swoon.