Pork Slope & The Magical Night of Bar Food Reinventions

Whether you like it or not (and I know a lot of you opinionated mofos fall on the side of NOT), since opening a little over a year ago, Pork Slope has solidly established itself as one of the busier bars along 5th Ave. Whether it's a boar naming contest, or the MMA matches on the TV, or the usually-lively crowd, or the special events, or the occasional late-night drunken appearance of the triumvirate of owners, there are a host of reasons to either really like hanging out there, or to really want to stay the fuck away.
Having a bar with character and interesting events is all well and good but it makes me think back to last spring, before Pork Slope had even opened, when I spoke with the guys behind the place and they made it clear that what they'd be serving would not be "Dale's reinvention of a bar snack." Their mission was for a bar with food, not "a restaurant with a cocktail and beer program."
Flash forward seventeen months and Pork Slope announces their first ever "Bar Food Blowout" event, an evening put on by Finger on the Pulse, where a guest chef comes in and takes over the kitchen for the night, offering up unique takes on the bar snack. Technically, it's a one night event and technically it's not Dale putting together the menu, but still...