Dog's Den Closed By NYC Marshal

image: Here Is Park SlopeAfter some crazy Kennel cough outbreak, Dog's Den has apparently been seized, shut down by the NYC Marshal (whatever the hell that is), and is now for rent.
Back when we first moved to Park Slope several years ago, we needed a daycare solution for Oliver and Dog's Den had just opened. It was sort of the only game in town, and the facilities looked pretty OK, so we started sending him there. But we quickly realized that the place sucked a gigantic dizzle.
Here's some reasons why:
- It didn't take long for the place to start smelling like a piss factory...on a hot day in the middle of summer....during the middle of a piss storm. It was never ever ever never clean in there.
- They had a "puppy cam" that was supposed to allow you to watch your dog every day. First they told me it would only work with PC's...then I heard it was "broken." It pretty much stayed that way for the duration of our time going there (8 mos or so).
- One day when I was picking up Oliver I was privy to an "interview" meeting that the owner was having with a potential new employee. Why the eff he felt it appropriate to conduct this meeting in front of me, I do not know. The dude did not ask this person what his experience with animals was, how he felt about animals, if he was a pet owner. He basically just emphasized that it was a minimum wage job and "not very much fun." This attitude was very evident with most of the employees who (with the exception of one or two) were not people who were there because they loved dogs...they were just there cause they needed a paycheck.
- I go to pick up Oliver one night and they bring him up to me with a bloody cut on his nose. I ask what happened and they tell me that "Oliver got into it" with one of the other dogs. We've had Oliver for 9 years now, and had never once have seen O-town "get into it" with any other dog. They didn't really have much more of an explanation. He looked to me at the time like he needed stitches so we took him to vet (for an emergency after hours appt, thank you very much). As it turned out, he didn't need stitches, but he does now have a permanent scar from the incident, ruining his chances forever at a John Casablancas modeling contract.
It was soon after that we decided WE'RE NEVER STEPPING FOOT INTO THAT HELL HOLE AGAIN.
How rad would it be if some responsible, conscientious, Doggie Daycare owners took the place over, changed the name, cleaned it the fuck up and turned it into a rad Doggie Daycare facility?? Cause the Slope desperately needs one and I'm pretty sure that with all the dogs around here, it could make about a billion dollars.
(via Here Is Park Slope)