When I was a kid, I wanted a pet so badly that I'd cry to my mother every night, “PLEAAAASSE, CAN WE GET A CAT?" or "PLEEAAAAAASSE, CAN WE GET A DOG?” As a woman whose weekly cleaning rituals included things like vacuuming the vacuum, she wasn't much of a pet person, per se. Gurl did not want to deal with any dander in her motherfucker house. But eventually she gave in and got us… a bird.
I know what you’re thinking. A bird is not a pet. It’s a caged animal. You can’t “pet” a bird (well you can, but you'll get pecked). Regardless, I learned to love that bird. And now, all these years later, I can finally call myself a true pet owner. I’m going 6 years strong with my Yorkie, Peanut, and couldn’t imagine life without this bitch.
How does this all of this nonsensical storytelling qualify me to write a gift guide for pet lovers? Well, for one, it means I spend a lot of time in pet stores. Two, it means I’m damn good at paying attention to small animals. And three… well… no one else wanted the assignment, so here you go. Enjoy, suckers!