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Entries in events (257)


Whassup: Blue Sky Edition


I hear tell that the rain gods took their cloud pissings all over the Wilco show this past Monday, which is totally the suck! I hope many of you stuck out the wetness for the sake of all the good Tweedy to be had, though. And now that you've presumably dried off, there's nothing but sky, blue sky of fun times ahead (well, starting Sunday). Welcome to Whassup: Blue Sky Edition: 

* Thursday, July 26: Food/Kitchen Swap, Krrb (Williamsburg): Oh come all ye Brooklyn foodies, and share of your bounty. This totally BK event, co-produced by FiPS' writer Vee, invites the swapping of your dishes, as well as the dishes they came in. So much stomach happiness ensues. 6-9pm, $5.

* Friday, July 27: Black Punther Goes Away, Littlefield: The thing about having tons of weekly or monthly weird little shows, as Park Slope has in spades, is that it produces weird local celebrities. Here's one, Noah Philip Smith, aka "The Black Punther" of PunderDOME 3000 fame (sorta). Well, as so many of us Brooklyn transplants must eventually do, he is returning home to his native Midwest (Columbus, OH) to spawn (I'm assuming). With Jo Firestone, PunderDOME co-host, the Punther says farewell with a night of puns, stand-up, and "non-celebrity." 8pm, $5.

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Whassup: Waterlogged Edition

Prepare for the coming of Gozer (via

Well, if you made it through the superstorm/Ghostbusters sky this week, you're probably mostly water by now (yes, geeks, I know: we're already 70%). The good news is that those extra molecules of H2O will make it easier for your body to absorb the molecules responsible for the sensations of fun and enjoyment. (Pretty sure that's how science works.) Welcome to Whassup: Waterlogged Edition:

* Thursday, July 19: Pretty Good Friends w/OK Go!, Williamsburg Waterfront: Eugene Mirman and his cast of merry comedians (including Kristen Schaal, Kurt Braunohler, and Bobcat Goldthwait) exit Union Hall for the great outdoors. Following recent trends, the jokesters will team up with a band, OK Go! this time, for mutual reinforcement of coolness. 7pm, FREE.

* Thursday, July 19: Abbey Road Sing-a-Long, Little Zelda (Crown Heights): File this one under exruciatingly cute. New Crown Heights coffee shop Little Zelda is hosting weekly sing-a-longs of classic albums. Up this time is the real last Beatles album, Abbey Road. And Zelda's poster has muffins and coffee cups walking across a zebra crossing on Franklin Ave. So yeah, cute. 8:30pm, FREE.

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New Gowanus DIY Company Kicks Off With The Building of Dinosaurs!

If there’s one thing we Slopers love, it’s dinosaurs (obviously.) But if there’s a second thing we love (nearly as much as we love dinosaurs), it’s the Do-It-Yourself movement. After all, we’ve all built our own IKEA furniture at one time or another! And though we’ve all been known to have a drink or two at the Clover Club, we’d certainly prefer a fancy cocktail made right in the comfort of our own homes. Heck, I even own Mastering the Arts of French Cooking. I’m practically a DIY chef.

But what about those of you who are good at making things that require a decent amount of work space? In a tiny New York apartment, there’s just not much of a way to do that. I’m guessing that’s exactly what Phillip Crosby has in mind with The Brooklyn Garage, a DIY paradise coming soon to Gowanus.

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Whassup: So Fun, It's Cool Edition

The Hot Sardines play Bastille Day (via the Skint)

If there's one thing I know about heat waves, it's that...they make it hard to...think...words. Saying. And the typing. You know? Anyway, cool your brain temps down by enjoying things that are fun and ideally located near sources of cooling alcoholic beverages. Welcome to Whassup: So Fun, It's Cool Edition: 

* Thursday, July 12: Organization for Weirdos, Proteus Gowanus Observatory: Okay, they phrase it organization for "creative types," but we know what they mean. This class teaches artists, writers, crafters, etcetera-ers who operate on the mushy hemisphere of the brain how to run a tighter ship. Time-management, handling multiple projects, and related skills will get inside you. 8pm, $10 DOS. 

* Thursday, July 12: Hymn for Her, Union Hall: If the pun doesn't get you, the gimmick might: this couple tours, records, and lives in an RV trailer. Their sound's just as downhome/redneck, with stringed broom handle, banjo, and harp. Bring your own sawdust to sprinkle on the bar floor, though. 8pm, $8.

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Whassup: Still America Edition

Guess who's coming to BK? (via

Oh, hey America! Welcome back to work -- hope you enjoyed the holiday. Most of us are now embarking on a weird, two-day week, terribly hungover and full of hot dogs. But, America -- specifically, Brooklyn -- someone still has to have the fun. Otherwise, it was all for nought when George Washington and Abraham Lincoln fought off the British vampires using fireworks. Welcome to Whassup: Still America Edition:

* Thursday, July 5: CasHank Hootenanny Jamboree, Freddy's: Keep the America, Fuck Yeah! going with South Slope's best participatory Americana jam session. Johnny Cash, Hank Williams (CasHank, get it?), and other old country standards belted out by host Alex Battles, any and all other musicians -- and you! 8pm, FREE.

* Friday, July 6: Weekly Music Kick-Off, 5th Estate: Another South Slope venue, Fifth Estate, launches a weekly showcase for local musicians, with veterans of similar gatherings at Roots Cafe and Bar 4. Come lend an ear. Every time you support a local musician, another joke about Park Slope as a boring suburbia dies. 7pm-1am, FREE.

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