Whassup: Falling Down Edition

Oh shit, is it fall now? For some, this might be a time of mourning. Another summer of beaches and ice cream trucks past, and we never quite got that beach body we wanted because of all the ice cream trucks. And yet, here is fall, and the temperatures are decent and the city is no longer a sweat bog. Honestly, they should have more of the outdoor concerts in September. Prospect Park's downright awesome when Fall hits, after the grossness of August (and early September) subsides. So, buck up, beach bums, and welcome the change in seasons. Welcome to Whassup: Falling Down Edition:
* Saturday, Sept. 15: Garden Sandwich Off, The Amazing Garden (Carroll Gardens): To raise some green, this community garden is hosting a grilled sandwich competition. So, do good while stuffing your face. You were probably gonna stuff your face somehow anyway. 3pm, $20.
* Saturday, Sept. 15: Drink All Damn Day, Greenwood Park Beer Garden: Oh sweet Lord, have mercy on us: they want you to come and drink all the fucking damn day long for $60. This will turn out very well, I'm sure. It's called "Freaktoberfest" and it all goes down at Greenwood Park's spacious beer garden. There's also live music and a Coney Island freak show theme, with sideshow acts taking the stage for your amusement, you Caligula, you. 12pm, $60.
* Saturday, Sept. 15: Jayhawks, Williamsburg Park: The tradition of outdoor Williamsburg concerts continues with the venue of Williamsburg Park. Here's a good excuse to check it out. These guys play sweetly sad alt country with the prettiest harmonies this side of Brian Wilson. 7pm, FREE.
* Monday, Sept. 17: Hot Tub, Littlefield: Apparently, a "secret guest from LA" will mount the Hot Tub stage. Will it be the returned Kristen Schaal, who made off for the golden coast just recently?? It's worth it just for the possibility of seeing Kristen reunited with the Littlefield stage. There will be so many tears. Comedy tears, not real tears. But real tears are gross. 7:30pm, $5-8.
* Monday, Sept. 17: BK Book Fest Opening, Public Assembly: Ok, this could be somewhat confusing, but if you're reading, it's cuz you're into books, so you're probably smart and everything will be ok. This is the opening party NOT for the Brooklyn Book Festival (which starts Sept. 23), but for the Brooklyn Book Festival Bookends, which are pre-fest happenings. So, it's the kickoff to a series of other kickoffs. There's just that much book lust in this sluttiest of bookslut havens we call Brooklyn. And the theme is East Coast lit vs. West Coast, so help us crush those sunny motherfuckers. 7pm, FREE.
* Thursday, Sept. 20: Cringe, Freddy's: Yeah, Cringe is back -- the Freddy's original series of readings from teenage diaries, poetry, letters, and other mortifyingly hilarious time capsules. 7:30pm, FREE.