'You Say Goodbye, And I Say Hello'

(photo via Brownstoner)
Hello to:
*Laytner's Linen & Home - opening up on Union Street between 6th and 7th ave's. They will allegedly be selling expensive sheets, expensive towels and all sorts of other expensive shit that you don't yet know you want, but SOON WILL. Yay! I'll finally have something to do while I wait for late, irresponsible zipcar assholes who can never seem to bring my fucking "Winny" back to the garage on Union on time. (Brownstoner)
*Hog Mountain - no siree, that was not a typo, folks! Hog Mountain is a new dude store for manly, man dudes that opened up on 5th Ave and Sackett. They sell clothing, outerwear, toiletries, and some hardware. 68 fans on Facebook can't be wrong, so I would go man up and check it out pronto. (Brownstoner)
*Provini - we tried it. It's DELICIOUS. <3. It's from the Bar Toto/Bar Tano crew and is on 8th ave and 13thish. Thoughtful, fresh Italian food with a killer beer/wine list. (Brooklynian)
*El Jalapeno - also tried it...also pretty friggin good. If these mofos can steer clear of the passive/agressive signage, this shit might work. (FIPS)
*Little Buddy Biscuit Company - is on 5th avenue across from Eagle Provisions. And despite some confusion, its *not* a dog bakery and its *not* just a biscuit shop (which is what I originally thought). It's a regular ole bakery that sells cookies and scones and all sorts of other delicious, fattening shit. I haven't been there yet, but its ON my list. (Brooklyn Food Blog)
Goodbye to:
*Juniors - no, they aren't closing, and yes they have one of the best turkey reuben's I've ever had, but they are dead to me now. (Daily News and FIPS)