Car Service Shakedown at Atlantic Center

A friend o'FIPS wrote in to vent frustration after a recent trip to Target and back via car service:
A few weeks ago, I took a car service from 2nd Street and 7th Avenue to Target to do some shopping. The cost of that trip was $7 (before tip). I did my shopping and ended up with two large bags of stuff to shlep home, so I hopped in one of the cars lined up on the Target side of the street, assuming I would pay the same to get back home, or, at the very least, close to the same. I was completely shocked when we reached 2nd and 7th and the driver said I owed him $21.00. WTF?! I asked the driver how it could be possible that the reverse trip cost me a third of that price, and he claimed that in order to wait on that line, he (and I guess the other drivers) have to pay $600/month. Even so, I felt totally taken. Has anyone else had this experience, or am I a total schmuck?
Hmmmm...anyone out there have this happen to them? Seems pretty shady to us.