The Science of the Supercollider

There was the time when the particle-accelerating Superconducting Super Collider didn't work out. It was 1993 & Congress & Clinton were scared of science & thus decided to stop the construction of a particle accelerator complex in Texas. 'Merica don't need no ding dang particle 'celrater figurin' out black holes & tramplin' on the Yellow Rose! Switzerland currently houses the current, updated version of the Super Collider.
There was the time when Radiohead released a song called "Supercollider" that was probably made with the SuperCollider programming language or some shit.
There was the time in 2013 when a new bar called "Supercollider" opened up on 4th Ave & 17th in Brooklyn, on an area of 4th Ave that's QUITE devoid of bars.
There was the time I went to Supercollider with friends & probably drank a few too many craft beers.
There was the time I went to Supercollider with friends & probably drank a few too many craft beers.
There was the time I went to Supercollider with friends & probably drank a few too many craft beers.
There was the time where I showed up there late one night & my girlfriend had been hanging out for a while. As is her style, she'd already sat at the bar & made friends with the bartender & everyone near her. I made friends with some French dude who ensured me that, though he was only in town for a week, he could show me a good place to tag without getting arrested.
There was the time that my girlfriend bet the Supercollider bartender/sorta proprietor dude Jonathan that the Seahawks would win the Super Bowl. She won that bet, but I'm fairly certain she only chose the Seahawks because the seahawk is a fantastically majestic bird.
There was the time a photographer friend & Supercollider semi-regular looked at all the art on the walls & said "I should show my stuff here." The art on the walls has changed many times since then & he still keeps saying that.
There was the time when I met a bunch of friends on the upstairs patio, an area with a BYOM grill, the saddest cigarette bucket ever & plastic chairs that need a serious hosin'. There were two strangers hanging out with us--a guy & a girl--& after a spell, it got dark & we left for food. I got ten minutes away & realized that I'd forgot my jacket on the patio. When I returned for it, it was still there, as was the guy, sitting in the dark by his creepy self, illuminated only by his iPhone & cigarette.
There was the time when I thought about getting a Coolhaus sandwich from the Supercollider freezer but then almost knocked over a glass with my fat stomach & shamed myself into reconsideration.
There was the time this past Wednesday when I showed up hours prior to the start of Finback Brewery Night, where three drafts from Queens' Finback Brewery were free from 8-9pm & $3 for another hour after that. To kill time, I ordered a Black Hole ($12), a beverage that's part of their kooky space-themed drink menu & consists of café patron, kahlua, chocolate vodka & cold brew coffee. It came in a huge martini glass. Twas crazy chocolatey tasty. It cost $12, up $2 from the $10 price for the same drink a year ago at opening.
There will be a time when I decide to pick up my guitar again & show up for one of the weekly open mic nights. Park Slope needs more Pearl Jam covers & heartfelt originals written at age 25 & sung at age 40.
There will be a time soon when a group of us show up there one Thursday & destroy "Trivial Dispute" night. Then we will drop tha mic & go back to our unfulfilling lives.
There will be a time when I go there for coffee in the morning, likely to counteract the feelings from the previous evening there, and actually see what the fuck Supercollider looks like during the day, when it's a café.
...& unless the Large Hadron Super Collider thing-a-ma-jig accelerates mad particles & creates a black hole that engulfs us all, there will be another time.
There will be another time.
Supercollider, 609 4th Ave (btwn 17th & 18th)