FIPS readers are no suckers, but the rest of the Internet was flipping the fuck out on Friday over the escape of a “mostly harmless” lil ol’ Tarantula in Park Slope. Saturday morning, the NY Times confirmed my suspicion that we were being trolled by a lamppost.
By late Friday afternoon, a phone call to the number listed on the sign yielded the apparent truth: It was all a joke that had gotten out of hand.
“I always see those signs for missing dogs and cats taped up on posts; I thought, ‘What’s the most absurd poster I could come up with?’ ” the man who answered the phone said. “I thought it was so beyond ridiculous that no one would take it seriously. I was wrong.”
The man, who refused to provide his name, said he lived in the neighborhood and worked as a, er, web and graphic designer.
“I never expected it to blow up,” he said. “Then I was in the train station, looking at my Twitter feed and saw this tweet from ABC about a tarantula. I thought, ‘Oh, man.’ ”
The man said he had never owned a tarantula, or any pet for that matter. “I actually didn’t know how to spell tarantula,” he said. “I had to Google that.”