"You Are Insulting My Integrity," and other declarations made at the most recent school rezoning meeting

THINGS GETTING HEATED / Photo via Michael Nagle for The New York Times
Oh, good gravy.
If you haven't yet read the New York Times article about the Park Slope School Rezoning Meeting held a couple of weeks ago, you should toss a bag of popcorn into the microwave right now and click on over there. We've written about the controversial rezoning plan time and time again, but in short: P.S. 321 and P.S 107 might be subject to rezoning, and some Brooklyn residents are pissed because of things like diversity, real estate values and some dude named Jim Devore, who sounds like he just might be one Snackable shy of a full lunch-box.
The NYT article reads like a great You-Can't-Handle-the-Truth!-esque drama, replete with loud outbursts and the appearance of officers to calm the sitch. Here are a few highlights that I found particularly noteworthy: