BLOCK-OFF! 5th Ave [btwn 2nd & 1st] vs. 5th Ave [btwn 1st & Garfield]

OMG!!! Have you guys heard about the best band on the planet? No, I’m not talking about Nickelback, although those Canucks know how to bring the generic rock with the best of them. It’s not Buckcherry either. OOH OOH!!! I’ll give you some hints…French band…named after a city in the last state to make MLK Day a holiday…burning bird…they were on SNL this past weekend…OMG!!! YOU KNOW IT!!! PHOENIX RULLZZ RIGHT!!! [ed note: hells to the motherfuckin YEAH. I. AM. OBSESSED]
We paid tribute to one of rock’s aging legends with some hardcore Ozzy on Ozzy action last week, but this week, we’re going to skew a bit younger & help fuel a spiraling Phoenix obsession with a Block-Off! imbued with their Versailles spirit. Since the members of Phoenix would obviously hang out on 5th Ave, we’re keeping the competition there, focusing on the blocks between 2nd & 1st and 1st & Garfield.
2nd & 1st will be represented by the theme music of Phoenix’s 2006 album, It’s Never Been Like That, while 1st & Garfield will be themed by the band’s upcoming album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, which I, through my utter awesomeness, have had the pleasure of hearing. By the time we’re done with our “Lisztomania,” one side will “Rally” and prove that they’re “Second to None,” an “Armistice” will be signed like it’s “1901” and if we’re feeling charitable, we’ll give out “Consolation Prizes” to the losing block. Let the indieelectropoptasmic judging begin!