Fleisher's: Now Open!

OK. So let's talk about vegetarianism for a moment...
Do you believe that eating animals is wrong because humans have no right to assort our superiority over another species?
Do you shun meat because you think that supporting the corporate meatpacking industry, with its usual filth & shitty standards, is tantamount to murder?
Have you given up meat for health reasons? Maybe you’ve watched a documentary or two?
Personally, for as long as I can remember, I've hovered dangerously close to vegetarianism. In fact. my FIPS profile describes me as "78% vegetarian." For years, I've limited my red meat-eating to once a month if that. My diet usually features a ton of veggies & a bunch of chicken and fish (usually in sushi form) & the occasional "fuck, I’m broke" McDonald’s burger. When you can't guarantee the origin of your meat & sort of have a conscience, it makes opting for a veggie dish all that easier. To be honest, dishes not loaded with meat often taste better.
I mention all this because yesterday marked the soft opening of Fleisher's, the butcher shop at 182 5th Ave that, prior to today's opening but based on the reputation it's gained from their Kingston, NY shop, has many already considering them "Brooklyn's best butcher."