Cool or Not Cool: Parkwanus

Every so often, man comes up with a wholly brilliant idea. While I'm wholly not brilliant & wholly not a man, last week I wrote a lil' sumpin about the opening of Dinosaur Bar-B-Que & at the end of it, I tossed in a phrase referring to Dino's locale on Union St west of 4th Ave as part of "the just-now-invented nabe of Parkwanus." As I sat alone in my apartment blogging in my boxers, I actually LOL'd a bit, just like the tweens do. A few of you chimed in in the comments, calling bullshit on my bullshit nabe name, as you should have. I mean, I made that crap up on the fly.
I'm certain there are people in Bushwick who have been all panty-bunched for the last decade about more & more of their hood becoming "East Williamsburg." Personally, I was slightly offended when I rented a place in "Greenwood Heights" a few years back. I'm pretty sure people are calling that area "South Slope" these days anyhow. In the end, we all just get on with our lives & call nabes what the fuck we want to call them & realize that there are more important things going on in the world...more important things like the abortion battle in Texas or the triumphant DOMA death or Kim Kardashian's ploy to trap her friends by sending them fake pics of her new bebe & seeing which of them leak the pics to the tabloids.